Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Jumping Timelines through the Lion's Gate, Feline Style

There is a wormhole out of the false light matrix fabric of time-space being co-created currently by all awake Warriors of the Light, the Heart, the Earth.  You know who you are if I mention the up-coming power days that those of us who are familiar with these things will be working with.  To do what?  To anchor frequencies.  To drop old timelines.  To affirm, as in Make Firm, the incoming Cosmic Rays that we are receiving and transducing down into the Earth plane, and through this alchemical process are being upgraded and changed in our DNA.  This is co-creating with the Divine a pathway out of the false light matrix.

How?  With the Free Will choice to do so, aligned with Divine Will, and highest good for all.  With ceremonies.  With focused gatherings or solo work.  With chosen tools or no tools.  Some people like crystals.  Some people work naked.  Some people play with elementals.   Some people, ahem, spout spontaneous bardic poem and verse that are actual magical incantations, heard only by the Spirit World, the stars, the animals, and Nature.

The Bifurcation event is on, as I see it.  And seeing is believing as they say.  To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it’s undeniable.  What do I mean?  Okay, what are you choosing?  Is it in alignment with the ascension process?  I’m not here to explain ascension in this blog, google it.   And do look into the descending time-line while you are at it, as in, Satan & the Anti-Christ, Hive Mind, AI takeover of Earth and Humanity, spiritual war for humanities soul, and more. Aug Tellez is a wonderful blogger who gives great insight on these matters, check him out.  I can guarantee from personal experience that that war is on.  It’s just not being talked about directly in the mainstream media swill. 

Victim-Victimizer dynamic, which is the stuck paradigm that we have on old earth, doesn’t work.  It will self destruct.  Eventually.  Unfortunately it seems that the Self-Updating AI Predator Mind-Behind-the-Scenes had figured out how to extend the life of the host body it’s feeding off,  to limits that have simply become intolerable and untenable to the Light.  Host body it’s feeding off of:  That would be HUMANITY AND ALL SENTIENT LIFE ON EARTH, via all our suffering  and negative emotions i.e. Loosh (google it).  Welcome to hell, or just one dimension above it.  

Okay, and there are mad men over at CERN where they do not respect the power of Lord Shiva properly and instead of the playing of drums and smoking of ganja, they are actually trying to open a portal to -- where? You think they’re ringing the bell of Heaven’s calling card with their apparatus? Hell no..... Hells Bells, more like it. So this is what I’m talking about. The bifurcation event and what one is choosing. The false light is promoting itself as Source Light, enlightened. For example, what do YOU think they are doing over there at CERN. They’re elite scientists, right? They MUST be working in humanity’s best interest. Right? Am I right??? I’m actually asking you if you really believe that swill. Look, they are intentionally trying to open a portal to a lower, HELL WORLD dimension with their particle smasher. How do I know? Gad, read the energy. It’s the new GPS of consciousness. Our world is going galactic. It can be in the direction of increasing control, assimilation into the hive mind that will result in loss of free will, continual dumbing down and reduction of critical thinking, imagination, and creative ability and the take-over and absorption of the human race into technological oblivion. Or it can be in the direction of sovreignity, truth, upliftment, joy, freedom, increasing free will, knowledge unending, longevity, community, harmony with Nature and the Earth and our positive galactic heritage. It’s coming, the apocalypse is on and there will be continual unveiling, but before that, the Anti-Christ will ride high and have his day. It’s already happening. Hence, here is where it becomes a little harder: One must discern wisely and actively choose the direction with which to align. Actively. Align one’s mind, one’s emotions, one’s choices, one’s frequency in the direction of an ascending arc. Up-lifted as opposed to downward spiraling. Choose it. Instead of maybe worrying or wallowing or eating that gluten that clogs up your gut, or buying into what you sense must be lies, call in assistance or protection from the Spirit world or your power animal or whatever forms or Masters you like to work with, do what you can to discern truth, stay positive, work through emotions, and stay ON that positive time-line.


A time-line is a choice. It is the manifestation and playing out of one's intention, one’s free will choice, that has been co-created to what-ever degree by the chooser. At best, utilizing the energies of the cosmos as we pass through new moons, full moons, star crossings, eclipses and earth alignment days. Also at best, in service to the All, and in alignment with Divine Will, in whatever the choice may be. You can’t get out of alignment too far, to continually intend to be in alignment with Divine Will in whatever the situation, and take action and direction from there.
Here is the really hard part.  By the way, I’m not here to sugar coat anything, my purpose is to provide some sort of a sketch of the terrain through the wormhole as I’m working with co-creating it in real time, against the Predatory Self-Updating AI Matrix Mind. 

The hardest part -- I find -- is that one must completely trust in the Divine, in Divine Timing, Divine Will, Grace, and having faith in the whole process even when to the human mind what one is doing seems utterly absurd and ridiculous.  How could it possibly be, it will tell you.  The Inner Creator connection and beingness has to become stronger than the internalized predator mind, and overthrow it.  It won’t like that.  And the outer world will  absolutely confirm it’st right to reign as a tyrant over your mind and world until such time as one is ready to overthrow it, via whatever catalyzing conflict in which it presents.  

And if you absolutely HAVE DONE with the predator mind, then it’s time to unify with the tip of the Ascension spear to overthrow that sucker, in the group consciousness, by co-creating an original pathway beyond via the up-coming series of energetic events.  Yaldabaoth, Begone!!

The 2017 Lion’s Gate Time Line Jump  
Here is the line-up of cosmic energy dates to utilize, for co-creating with the ascending arc vibrations. What, how, where, is totally up to you of course. I encourage at least an acknowledgement of the coming energies, best to sit and receive them in stillness for some minutes on those days, spend some contemplative time if possible. I’m not here to tell anyone what to do, only to point out that this is what I perceive is happening and is very beneficial to align with. I’ve been on the alignment of this sequence since the summer solstice and can definitely feel the energies building towards each new “gateway”, or “stargate” or “portal”. At the end of this blog will be some links for more background info. I’m definitely NOT the only one into this. And I can tell you, WE ARE doing this. For those of us who know that our particular lifestreams have aligned at this magical time to do the work not only ourselves, but for the whole, the faith and trust is total, it has to be. WE ARE building a passageway to a new reality, one rainbow brick by rainbow brick, in each Now moment, at a time. We have to. Otherwise it wouldn’t exist. Nobody is going to hand it to us on a silver platter. The AI self-updating predator mind needs to be confounded with something beyond it’s ability to process and compute. Let’s have a go, the cosmic surf is up and it’s a black diamond wave. July 23rd, New Moon July 25th, Mayan Day Out of Time July 26th, Important date to both Mayans and Egyptians, signifying the New Year. Sun rises with the star Sirius at this time, coincides with flooding of the Nile. Opening of Lion's Gate Energies
Aug. 2nd, Lammas, Wiccan High Holy day celebrating first harvest 
Aug. 7, Full Moon, partial Lunar Eclipse
Aug. 8, Lion’s Gate
Aug. 21, New Moon, Solar Eclipse
Sept. 22, Fall Equinox

What will I personally do?  Utilize the energies in some way. I have no idea for most of them.  I’ve one idea for the July 25th-26th opening of the Lion’s Gate when the sun rises with Sirius. 
Okay here’s a perfect example of why it’s good to do positive energy work on these days to counteract what the dark forces are doing. Do you think its a coincidence that those fellas out at Bohemian Grove are having their yearly Cremation of Care ceremony in front of their owl demon god Molloch at the exact time when Sirius is transmitting Life Affirming energies to our planet, via the sun during Lion's Gate? I submit to you that they know exactly what they are doing. And so do we, all aboard the ascenscion train and with great heart let’s jump this time-line, feline style.

Good Blogs to read for more info:

Denise Le Fay, High Heart Life

Lisa Gawlas, Nation of Lights

Aug Tellez

Sandra Walter

Ascension Energies

Lion’s Gate Blessings, arrrrrghf!

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