Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Warrior’s Edge of Provocation

Well well well, here we are again, riding the edge of the wave of the Warrior’s Provocation.  What’s that, you say.  It doesn’t sound like fun, does it.  It isn’t.  But I guarantee it is necessary in order to successfully surf the waves of rage, or rather outrage, in the face of circumstances of untenable absurdity.  Before one goes dashing off with a meat cleaver in hand to hack someone to bits.  Very messy.   Not a good plan.  At least not like that.

Oh, how I wish now to have published several pieces previously written about my lovely neighborhood drama so some background is established.  This has been going on for 9 years.  Yes, that squabble I report about from time to time on Facebook, with my unfriendly neighborhood multidimensional forces of darkness, who are in park right next to me a quarter mile down the road, is flaring up once again.  

Nails.  And not just any nails.  Sabotage nails, the kind that are sure to stand up and not miss your tire.  I’ve got a whole collection of them going on from the last 2 months.  3 from just the last 4 days.

What are these people doing and why are they doing it?  They’re ghouls.  They don’t want anyone driving down what they think is their easement.  It’s not.  It’s the drive for 5 other houses, including mine.  Unfortunately most of the other people don’t live there full time so the siege is falling on  those of us who do.

So imagine, I’m driving out to get a tire fixed that has 2 very nasty, purposeful sabotage nails embedded in it.  And lo!  Shortly after driving through their zone, once again I hear the now familiar click click click, like a demon tap dancer.  Coming anew from another tire.  I get to the tire place and discover a new nail now stuck in one of the back tires.  

The good news is, the guys are really nice and can’t believe they are seeing
me again so soon.  They only charge me $5 extra to fix the second tire.  But now I’m really mad.  Really mad.  So mad, beyond having a melt down -- oh heck, I did that already.  When I changed the tire Sunday and really saw what was stuck in it -- it was like the embodiment of malice, malicious intent.  And I felt it, for a short while there.  I had to have a good cry, it was the “why me” moment. 

And then it started to move.   Good thing, it’s important not to get stuck there.
 I was pulled out of a sense of powerless victimhood very fast, like within 5 minutes.  My energy just didn’t linger there, all that rage took on a life of it’s own and kept going.  I changed the tire.   I got on the phone and got a ride to town to feed my cats down there.   Oh, to have such friends that will dare to drive through a war zone to help me.  He’s come over several times recently on tire missions.  

What I could tell of my process was that I knew a Warrior’s Moment was
coming.  This is what happens when provocation beyond what is tenable occurs -- the wave of unbridled, uncontrolled outraged emotional energy within me, guided by this mysterious intelligent force I trust implicitly,  approaches an unpredictable crest where some kind of clarity come forth.  And not just mere clarity --  the kind that comes when you know you are on the right side of cosmic justice when the fireballs of the ages come raining down. It’s when the whole situation totally shifts and turns around, sometimes resulting in great hilarity at the utter absurdity of the situation.  I am always slightly amazed at how things become downright comical when seen in a different light.  

But today was a little different.  Instead of an epiphany of hilarity, I got very quiet.  In fact, I’m deadlier than ever this time.  I don’t think I’ve ever been so calm in the face of such provocation.  My stance is one of -- okay you ghouls, bring it on.  More nails.  Throw as many out there at me as you can.  Incriminate yourselves as fully as possible.  I hope I get every single one of them.  Because every nail that can be traced back to you Borgs will just speed your sorry arses along on a path of your demise that much faster.  No matter what kind of petty shit storm they throw at me, we both know I’ve done nothing to them and it has no power to take me down.   I dare you, you cowards.

No, I don’t even dare them.   Just writing about it has taken me even beyond that.  Oh, it’s gotten even better than that!

See, what happens is that when something inside breaks through the anger-fear-dread-rage of the uncontrollably provoking situation and says’I will rise to meet this anyway!’ -- that’s when the game really gets interesting.  That’s where this empowered humourous detachment comes, from a place of sterling impeccability.  I haven’t done anything wrong.  It doesn’t mattter that I don’t deserve this.  It is not even about me personally.  I’ve done nothing to them and we all know it. So what the hell is this about then?  

Well, it’s a Warrior’s Lesson.  The nagual don Juan Matus - a  mentor of  mine -  is jumping up and down with glee now on the inner plane.   You don’t shy away from the Warrior’s Lesson, or take the stupid pathetic 3d track of whining and thinking it’s on someone else’s shoulders to take care of - like cops, or lawyers or whatever.  Oh, they can maybe help sometimes.  They can also fall victim to the same anklebiter influence as the Borg are under.  The signature is unmistakable.

No, my Warrior’s Impeccability has taken me beyond, into the true unknown.  But not a scary unknown where I feel threatened. Oh no, I feel supported.   I now know there are invisible forces that have been activated.  Forces of light, of justice, of power.  Power requires impeccability.  It turns on those who misuse it.

So now we are in the realm of the true Warrior’s Art.  Heh heh heh.  Now I know I can smile at them with one of those terrifying diabolically-angelic
smiles when I see Dean over at the Spur having coffee.  I will look right at him with a most piercing Warrior’s Look.  And then he’s going to get one of my best smiles.  One of those smiles.   Goddess only knows what he will see.
  It will completely eviscerate him energetically.  A ghoul like that will not be able to figure it out.  Hard to say what the result might be, after that.

    Maybe I’ll nod too when I smile, ever so slightly....

The impeccability of a Warrior summons invisible allies.  How do I know the Maha hasn’t followed me over there and isn’t hiding in the bush somewhere.   I  may not see it, but Dean might.  You get the idea.  There might be a whole entourage of mad fairies behind me now.  Personally, I wouldn’t mess with that.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Warrior’s Laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Okay there
it is!!! Just imagining the scene, and the look of ‘tilt’ on Dean’s face, after I
smile at him at the gas station over his coffee.  And as he gazes past me in uncontrolled puzzlement,  suddenly he sees a mountain lion emerging out of the bush behind the port-a-potty, looking for all the world like it’s going to come straight towards us.  Behind me of course.  

I about laughed myself silly at the vision of him running away witless, hands in the air.  Gee Dean, that’s the highway over there, watch out for .........................   oops.

No no, I’m not that evil.  I don’t see where he runs to.  I’m not conjuring up visions of his demise.   But I must say I totally enjoy the idea that he will not be able to grok why I could possibly be smiling at him like that, after what he knows he has done.   I hope I am now gut-wrenchingly terrifying for him.  Invisible allies or not.

Hey, if that is the worst thing that happens to him for such bad cat behavior -- that he should run off screaming like a madman because some scary chick
smiles at him just right -- well then he’s lucky, I sez.  Because they are stalking my workplace and leaving nails for me down at the Resource Center too, right where I like to park.

Oh,  the nagual don Juan Matus would totally approve of my situation and the  lessons in petty tyranny these people have provided.  These, and others.....    I can almost hear him and don Genaro jumping up and down with glee, laughing their fool heads off at the antics at various junctures, and how it has pushed me further along the warrior’s path.  Sometimes you just can’t learn these things any other way, you have to come up against it to see what you are made of.  I write about these 2 seers as if they’ve shown up in my life.  On the inner plane, something of them certainly has.   Can’t you tell?  Oh, they’ve left quite an imprint.  I’m definitely one of their tribe.

So that’s the scoop.  I know there will be more.  I’m currently in the middle of a shit storm.  But now that I have some clarity.   I will bide my time -- while I’m collecting nails with a most knowing smile on my face.  I think I’ll make it a point to stop at the Spur gas station one morning when I’m in just the right mood,  when I know they are all over there having coffee.   They do that every morning. 

Nonchalantly of course.  Like a maha strolling through the manzanita, ha ha ha ha ha.

Dress for success!