Friday, January 20, 2012

1-12-2012 The Seeing of the Golden Eagle

The Seeing of the Golden Eagle
by Kristine Lavender Love

  with comments & artwork
              by Dehon Joubert


 What IS that?? I kept saying as I looked at Dehon’s 12-24-11 blog. I read the words, I started looking at the pic, and as it scrolled down I thought -  is it a broken image? What happened to the top and bottom of it? 
Maybe it’s just this old computer I'm still on, sometimes it does funny things. No, that is the full image, hmmm. What a strange pic, what IS that? -- I found myself wondering from time to time for a few days. At one point when I looked at it again - really looked at it, looked into it - as seers have a way of doing -- I said, okay it looks like a peacock, or part of one. But if that is the message and those are the eyes and mouth.... what??!    No it isn’t.  Is it??
I had no idea what Dehon’s intention was with the image and wasn't trying to pick nits or anything.  I actually didn't recognize it as a peacock at first, and for some reason just found it odd, perplexing. Since I don’t tend to obsess on things but do pay attention to animal powers, this pic had grabbed me for reasons I had yet to grasp.

So at one point as I let my inner vision go to see beyond what my physical eyes perceived, I circled around the feeling of ‘something is off with this image, where is it...’ and zeroed in on first the mouth, and then the eyes. Uncommonly fierce expression coming out of that peacock. Hmmm. I’m seeing/sensing/feeling something large and brown instead. And as my vision backed up to take in more of the inner and outer image, including the perimeter and white space beyond, what came through more clearly was a large brown raptor of some sort, with big square shoulders, a fierce eye, and big legs. Big talons.


I said 'Now that’s more like it!’. Why, I didn’t know, but somehow it completed the picture for me. The expression of the peacock and the way it was looking at me, and what I felt coming out of it’s beak made me uncomfortable for some reason. And then I noticed - where is it’s beautiful fullness of tail? Where are it’s wings? Where are it’s feet, it’s grounding and connection to the earth? Heck, I’d be more than a little peevish too! It’s screeching as they do, but for me the message is not one of happiness, love and light.

At this point I just want to say again that -- I’m not trying to pick nits, find fault or put down in any way Dehon’s image and message or to bring it into the realm of right & wrong. His intention certainly was what it was and if anyone has any question about it -- tweet him, he will probably be delighted to clarify if it wasn't obvious.  In my case what happened wasn't a conscious process; rather, my own inner workings seized upon that image to use it as a vehicle for bringing in some very new wonderful awareness.  Who knows, maybe that was his intention after all.  I don't know that.  I just know that when I looked at it I felt funny, and then as I looked into it further, began to see something else.


Why am I telling you all this? you might ask.  At this point, who knows.  It's all a mystery. My intention by writing blogs in the first place is to share my process in the event it has any meaning for anyone else.  And in this case, partly to highlight the fact that what we put out really can affect another in ways completely unanticipated, even the simplest of things. As awakening seers on a plane of great density, it is often hard to know the impact we wittingly and unwittingly make as we shake the web of life with our offerings and utterances, because everything we do shakes it.  It would be too much information for the evolving psyche to take it all in so thankfully our higher selves give us filters.   New awareness comes in via a process, in stages, and sometimes some of those can be rather jolting.   


What Dehon's seemingly obvious and innocuous image provided for me was very catalytic and probably not even on his radar screen at the time. And for that I say Thanks, Dehon, you had no idea, I hope this comes across in a way that is not a rejection of either your image or the virtues of the peacock.   Upon much reflection, it seems to me the energy of the New Dawn is
 probably more like the virtues and strengths of both birds in all their beauty, majesty, delicacy and ferocity, than one or the other.  

I am grateful the image could stir this piece of brilliant writing from you! I originally created this as my new facebook cover photo on the new-look profiles and the intention was of a cock crowing to announce the new day - but as I wanted it to announce the NEW DAWN of the NEW EARTH I thought a Peacock will have to do this Royal Announcement with full passion and glory. The Peacock's tail feathers are all out and shimmering with Light and has taken the place of the Sun Rising on the New. If the bird comes over a bit tense - yes indeed - maybe even fierce, then it is to complement the importance of this wake-up call...

Seeing that the Peacock's announcement of the New Dawn instigated a search into the Golden Eagle, I was inspired to let my Eagleness shine through and started playing with the images - then - a gateway on the Eagle's Throat Chakra - which was created through synchronicity - said to me: "Speak, Eagle, speak." So, we speak and together become conscious of the meaning of I AM.

That Eagle, he's catchy!

So I thought about it some more. The bird seemed captured, cut off and mad. It had lost something. The whole notion of peacocks vs. raptors became my focus for a few days as I pondered the powers, strengths, weaknesses, beauties and medicines of each.

The peacock is certainly a beautiful, mystical bird.   But very delicate and requiring much protection.  Quite frankly though I feel a little sorry for it, it has become totally captured. Pretty as all get-out. But can it live in the wild? No, not for long I don’t think. Depending on where of course. Out here in the wild country of the Sierras? Not a chance...
Dehon has since informed me that, yes they do make it in the wild in India

It is indeed a beautiful bird, whose cries are unforgettable. I recall many mornings being awakened by the peacocks at the ashram where I dwelt for 2+ years. There were 4 or 5 in residence, including a magnificent white albino male. Their cage was in the garden, and they were allowed to stroll about under supervision. The peacock is related to the pheasant I understand, which is more clear by looking at the rather drab and un-ostentatious pea hen.
But could they have survived had they flown out of their enclosure to the surrounding wild countryside of Pennsylvania? I doubt it. Too many predators. They have become soft at man’s hand, under his protection and provision of easy living.

I had one land here in my CA garden one time. People keep them as pets, and they do fly off. Their manner of flight is not like hawks or turkey vultures, rather more like wild turkeys. He hung around for a few hours then flew away. It was like a visitation from some other kind of world, with his opulent blue-green magnificence.


 So what about this other bird in the background, this raptor, what is that? I decided to google up raptor images to pick him out of a line-up so to speak. I could see him and perceive the energy through feeling and vision. As the images of the search slowly loaded, there was a hawk that caught my attention at first, but in a few short frames, there in front of me unquestionably was the bird of my vision. The hawk was too white. 

 No, this is the raptor:   
The Golden Eagle:  


Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

Now that’s a bird!!! King of the Birds I was to find out. I must confess my ignorance about eagles at that point. I do know a little as my gifts of bird powers are those of the owl, so I am familiar with raptor energy. But eagles and owls are quite different.


I would like to back up a little to set the scene for what ensued for me with this regal Eagle. It was Christmas weekend when all this started occurring. I had been under conditions of some austerity, kind of an enforced isolation by the Universe. I always go down hard into the Underworld at this time of year, not because I want to but because it is a powerful, often difficult yet unquestionably mystical time. I was born around Christmas so the reunion of my natal sun is always a deal.

THIS year I had that little planetoid Pluto plus the new moon, an Earth-directed CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) and the solstice a few days prior helping out with the transition. How does that translate for you non-astrologers? Pluto = atomic alchemy, death and rebirth. Earth-directed CME = downloads from the sun, in my world.


I am a veteran survivor of the Underworld, could read the signs and kept waiting for the upheaval to come. The eruption.  It had to come.  I thought maybe something on my birthday would trigger it. There may have been a little crying jag but not much. The only thing that really came up was that perplexing image. So what to do, carry on, cut firewood.   Which I did plenty of.  What a great tool that chainsaw.  Come to think of it there was something odd that happened in the woods:

I was roaming around the woods behind the trailer with my chainsaw going (running, not turning) when I accidentally stepped on an old piece of plywood that was covering a big hole.  My ex had dug it years ago as drainage for a trailer pipe which never actually worked.   It was an old piece 
of wood I painted as a sign for one of our first produce stands years before, cut and shaped like a watermelon.

 It ended its existence disguising a dry hole in the woods, covered by a layer of pine needles.  Well guess what: Chainsaw Kristine stepped on it and fell through to her hips.  Scared the living daylights out of me.  Good thing it was dry and nothing was in there, like rattle snakes.  It was creepy.   You think I dropped the chainsaw?  No way!! 


But I digress, back to the Eagle. Once the identity of the eagle came in, I pondered the differences between the 2 for some days. And then the upheaval came in:   The CME hit my field, along with its attendant awful jammed up migraine head centers, nausea, and to complete the picture a gash on the bottom of my foot from a few days prior that finally came into it’s fullness of pain. All I could do was surrender to the experience, lie down, and be thankful I had cut a bunch of firewood.

Up until that point, my experience of the Eagle had been more of a compelling intellectual study. When something grabs my attention like that, it seems to send out lines of energy to attract in other needed bits of information that weaves together a bigger picture. So I did some reading and digging. It’s just like putting a puzzle together; as pieces come in and fit, they reveal something that can only be guessed at or glimpsed by looking at the individual or partially assembled pieces.


So in my wretched post-Christmas state, very ungrounded and unbalanced -- but energetically wide open, between worlds and vulnerable -- in drops the golden egg of the energy of the Golden Eagle. Finally the channel through my feeling centers opened up, with much attendant sobbing I might add, as I definitely got something. There is much I could say about it personally as it is a process that continues to unfold as I understand more deeply, but rather at this time I will share some of the research that has been helpful in understanding the experience so far. The left brain needs to come along on the ride so that it is a whole brain, whole body infusion.  It takes as long as it takes, thankfully this time not long.   I woke up after the bad headache phase groggy, but the terrible pressure faded, my foot feeling better, and I know I am on track.   


It is times like these that one thanks one's lucky stars one is a Warrior. Some of these things that occur when transmuting heavy emotions, or when rewiring and new awareness are taking place -- don't feel very good. It is not uncommon to be wrecked on many levels simultaneously. The great thing about working with the process as it arises is  the carnage is often short-lived, and with good knowledge and self-care, can be dealt with optimally instead of going down hard and landing there stuck like a piece of road kill.  In hindsite these things are often extra funny because the symbolism is so clear.

I say, if you haven't found a side to it yet that isn't screamingly funny in some way -- keep digging.  Dig until you find it.  It might save you from becoming absolutely wrecked.

Thankfullly this wasn't one of those times...  This time it was more clear what was occurring, and that something would occur.   All of the signs and symbols line up, including how I gashed my foot:  I was looking up through the attic hatch in the ceiling that my contractor left open while installing new wiring for a light.  I stepped on something sharp in his pile of tools and gashed my foot.


From Starwaking: Shamanic Practices for Travelling into the Night Sky, Bear & Co, 1997 by Page Bryant, page 296:

I sense the constellation Aquila, the Eagle, has special spiritual significance to the American Indians and the North American continent, which they call Turtle Island. One of its stars, Altair, 1 degree 47“ Aquarius, emits an energy that activates a so-called Rod of Power of the Planetary Logos and other spiritual leaders of this world, both incarnate and disincarnate. As its rays are transmitted to Earth the form a galactic ley that links the Milky Way with other galaxies through the Local Group (the group of which our galaxy is a part). Another Aquila star, Deneb, 19 degrees 48 “ Capricorn, focuses it’s rays only on North America and its people, and it has been doing so for the last thousand or more years. It embodies the wisdom of ancestral peoples. Wisdomkeepers of all indian tribes are telepathically linked to Deneb’s energy, and the star serves as stellar patron to medicine men and women, tribal elders, and all individuals and groups who serve as planetary stewards.

From The Medicine Wheel, Simon & Schuster, 1992, by Sun Bear and Wabun, pages 137-140:
 Wabun, Spirit Keeper of the East
The power of Wabun is of the East, is the power of illumination and wisdom. The season of Wabun is the spring, when the earth is awakening from the sleep of winter and the new life which has been preparing itself within the womb of the earth bursts forth. The daily time of Wabun is the dawn, when life awakens from the sleep of night... The old ones say that the sun gives a special wisdom to those humans who get up to greet it’s first rays...

In human life the time of Wabun is youth, the time of awakening to things both inside and outside, the time when people are capable of illuminating others with the purity of their energy.... The eyes of the young are not covered with the cynical blinders that make many miss the little beauties of life. Coming as they do fromthe infinite land of the stars, they still retain more of the wisdom that the Great Spirit imparts to all as they begin their journey on the Earth Mother.

The animal associated with the East is the Eagle, the highest flying of the winged creatures. Because of his ability to fly so high, the eagle is as close to the sky realm of the spirit as any of the earth’s children can be. For this reason the old ones always used the feathers of the eagle when they made prayers they they wished the Great Spirit to hear. They used eagle feathers in their prayer markers, and in their headdresses. They prayed that the eagle would help them send their prayers to the spirit. They prayed that the eagle would help them see clearly, as he does, so they could have illumination and wisdom. The eagle of Wabun is the Golden Eagle, whose feathers are the color of the rising sun. Red is the color of vital energy, and gold is the color of illumination, wisdom and enlightenment.
The people of the moons of Wabun (season of the East) usually use their powers to work with things of the Earth, rather than in the realms above. The Earth is one of their proper places, and their energy is necessary to make changes on this planet. However these folks have the ability to reach into realms beyond those of earth, in a natural and intuitive way, and to bring the lessons of these realms into the work they are doing here. The people associated with Wabun have wisdom, and the possibility of bringing illumination and enlightenment to themselves and those they touch.


And from Medicine Cards, Bear & Co., 1988 by Jamie Sams and David Carson, pg. 41
1. Eagle Spirit
Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine. It is the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of Earth. Eagle soars, and is quick to observe expansiveness within the overall pattern of life. From the heights of the clouds, Eagle is close to the heavens where the Great Spirit dwells.
The feathers of Eale are considered to be the most sacred of healing tools. They have been used for centuries by shamans to cleanse the auras of patients coming to them for healing. Within the belief systems of Native American tribes, Eagle represents a state of grace achieved through hard work, understanding, and a completion of the tests of initiation which result in the taking of one’s personal power. It is only through the trial of experiencing the lows in life as well as the highs, and through the trial of trusting one’s connection to the Great Spirit, that the right to use the essence of Eagle medicine is earned.
If Eagle has majestically soared into your cards, you are being put on notice to reconnect with the element of Air. Air is of the mental plane, and in this instance it is of the Higher Mind. Wisdom comes in many strange and curious forms, and is always related to the creative force of the Great Spirit.


WELL. I .....guess I got my homework for the incoming 2012 energy -- hitch my tailfeathers to that of the Golden Eagle.

 Some interesting highlights plucked from Wikipedia about the golden bird:
The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is one of the best known birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. Like all eagles, it belongs to the family Accipitridae. Once widespread across the Holarctic, it has disappeared from many of the more heavily populated areas. Despite being extirpated from some its former range or uncommon, the species is still fairly ubiquitous, being present in Eurasia, North America, and parts of Africa. The highest density of nesting Golden Eagles in the world lies in southern Alameda County, California. These birds are dark brown, with lighter golden-brown plumage on their heads and necks.
Golden Eagles use their agility and speed combined with extremely powerful talons to snatch up prey including rabbits, marmots, ground squirrels, and large mammals such as foxes, wild and domestic cats, mountain goats, ibex, and young deer. They will also eat carrion if prey is scarce, as well as reptiles. Birds, including large species up to the size of swans and cranes as well as ravens and Greater Black-backed Gulls have all been recorded as prey. They have even been known to attack and kill fully grown roe deer. The Eurasian subspecies is used to hunt and kill wolves in many native communities, where their status is regarded with great mystic reverence.

Golden Eagles maintain territories that may be as large as 155 square kilometres (60 sq mi) and is one of the most powerful predators in the avian world. While they do show strong local preferences for certain prey, Golden Eagles are first and foremost opportunists and virtually any small to mid-sized animal may be predated if encountered.Most prey taken are around half the weight of the predating eagle.

Golden Eagles are avian apex predators, meaning a healthy adult is not preyed upon. There are records of Golden Eagles killing and eating large raptors such as Gyrfalcons, Northern Goshawks, and Buteo hawks, whether adults, nestlings or eggs. More commonly, Golden Eagles kleptoparasitize, or steal prey, from other raptors. While not as large as some vultures, Golden Eagles are usually considerably more aggressive and are capable of driving vultures and other raptors from carrion.  Interspecies competition occurs regularly with large Haliaeetus eagles (principally White-tailed and Bald Eagles) and victory in such conflicts depends on the individual eagle rather than on species.

The Golden Eagle is thought to be the
 origin of the
Thunderbird Legends
of the southwestern United States

Golden Eagles are monogamous and may remain together for several years or possibly for life. They nest in high places including cliffs, trees, or human structures such as telephone poles. They build huge nests to which they may return for several breeding years. Females lay from one to four eggs, and both parents incubate them for 40 to 45 days. Typically, one or two young survive to fledge in about three months. They build several eyries within their territory and use them alternately for several years. These nests consist of heavy tree branches, upholstered with grass when in use.
Thunderbird images
  The eagle is a sacred bird in some cultures and the feathers of the eagle are central to many religious and spiritual customs, especially among some Native Americans in the United States and First Nations in Canada, as well as among many of the peoples of Meso-America. Some Native American peoples revere eagles as sacred and the feathers and other parts of Bald and Golden Eagles. Feathers are often worn on Native American headdresses and have been compared to the Bible and crucifix of Christianity. Eagle feathers are often used in various Native ceremonies and are used to honour noteworthy achievements and qualities such as exceptional leadership and bravery.

They do seem reminiscent of the Golden Eagle.
 The inclusion of lunar symbolism is interesting.

Wait, what is THAT???!!!

         Another VERY perplexing
So in defense of

the Mystic Peacock:

Peacock Symbolism
The peacock is a possessor of some of the most admired human characteristics, and
is a symbol of integrity and the beauty we can achieve when we endeavor to show
our true colors. In history, myth, legend and lore, the Peacock symbolism carries
portents of: Nobility, Holiness, Guidance, Protection and Watchfulness. Here is a quick-list of peacock symbolism:
Glory Vision Royalty Spirituality Awakening
Immortality Refinement Incorruptibility


In Greco-Roman mythology the Peacock is identified with Hera (Juno) who created the
Peacock from Argus whose hundred eyes (seen on the tail feathers of the Peacock)
symbolize the vault of heaven and the “eyes” of the stars.
.In Hinduism the Peacock is associated with Lakshmi who is a deity representing
benevolence, patience, kindness, compassion and good luck. 
Similar to Lakshmi, the Peacock is associated with Kwan-yin in Asian spirituality.
Kwan-yin (or Quan Yin) is also an emblem of love, compassionate watchfulness,
good-will, nurturing, and kind-heartedness. Legend tells us she chose to remain
a mortal even though she could be immortal because she wished to stay behind and
aid humanity in their spiritual evolution.
In Babylonia and Persia the Peacock is seen as a guardian to royalty, and is often seen in engravings upon the thrones of royalty. In Christianity the Peacock symbolism represents the “all-seeing” church, along with the holiness and sanctity associated with it. Additionally, the Peacock represents resurrection, renewal and immortality within the spiritual teachings of Christianity.

Themes of renewal are also linked to alchemical traditions to, as many schools of thought compare the resurrecting phoenix to the modern-day Peacock.
Contemplate the powers of the Peacock when you need more vibrancy and vitality in your experience. The Peacock can also help you on your spiritual Path, and breath new life into your walk of faith.
My ex's mother used to call the white albino peacock at the ashram, "Wedding Dress"

The Peacock can rejuvenate self-esteem levels too. If you’re feeling “blah” and blue, imagine the glorious, techno-color display the Peacock provides. This puts us in a proper mood to embrace your own nobility. In no time, you’ll be walking tall and proud as a Peacock too!

Peacock : Animal Symbols

The peacock is a symbol meaning beauty and pride of carriage. The peacock is a symbol of self-renewal and immortality. Ancient peoples believed that the peacock's flesh did not decay after death. The peacock became a symbol of the resurrection linked directly to Christ. Only the male possesses the extravagant tail used during courtship. The female is dull brown, green and grey. Peacocks are forest birds that nest on the ground. Peacocks eat plants, flowers, insects and small amphibians or reptiles. Peacocks were associated with the ancient Greek goddess Hera.

Well, I say again, the peacock is a pretty bird.  He definitely has his devotees.  My feeling about him is that he requires dedicated human stewards  to carry forth his evolutionary stream across the bridge into the New Time.   Could he make it on his own, returned to primal Nature...?  I have my doubts, other than in a world where animals don't eat each other to survive and there are no predators with big sharp teeth.  No, the peacock's stream of evolution has now been bound to that of mankind.   Their mystical nature will have to lead the way rather than by powerful talons and wings. 


As for me, the magical forest I choose to dwell in at present happens to be crawling with things that would pick him off in a nanosecond -- including large raptors -- so maybe that is one of the reasons I feel more inclined towards the eagle.  But who knows, immortality is one of the peacock's powers and he is obviously offered protection by Divine Forces.   Maybe when New Earth is fully anchored, large felines will no longer be eating juicy birds for lunch.  Or the most innocent and saintly looking white peacock will suddenly shapeshift into something more ferocious in self defense.  Hard to say.  We are all hybrids of some sort, after all.

I will end this blog in an expression of utter gratitude for the new energy in all it’s majesty and power as it anchors in my being, whether it be of the wondrous powers of peacocks or eagles.

Wishing everyone a most
auspicious and illuminated 2012!!
Year of the Wind

Soar high, stay grounded!

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