Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Harmonic Convergence Anniversary 2012: Know Your Plants!

Dooryard Froggie

Naughty Goat
One of The Boys


These animals are driving me whacky.   Their antics have brought forth a Warrior’s Chuckle and the notion that -- perhaps I already WAS a bit whacky for allowing it to go this far.   It is absurd to have so many wild animals casually waltzing through my version of Paradise.   Most folks would probably find it untenable; I find it hilarious.  What amuses me so  much is -- they actually are part of what makes it Paradise for me.  I could not imagine Paradise without them quite frankly.  Even though some of their activities drive me nutty....   They are so nocturnal, it’s hard to sleep sometimes with all their doings.

So the most recent episode was this character, found lurking in my bathroom as I was getting ready for bed the other night.  Good thing I decided to turn the light on when entering the room, I sometimes don’t. There he was, and quite a big one too, refusing to budge.  He growled at me actually.  

What shall we call him?  Groucho?  He looks more like a Bernard to me.
Amon Ra, waiting for the opossum
to emerge from behind the toilet

I ran for the camera of course, shifting into Fairy Godmother mode in the process.  One must always put a cornered scared animal at ease.  Not difficult, as I found it quite comical that a large opossum had snuck in my bathroom while I was busy on the roof having tea.  He ran behind the toilet when I came with the camera and refused to come out.  I was determined to get some better photos than this, so decided to wait for him to emerge, as he surely must.   

Finally he made a mad dash for it after more than half an hour of me and the cats waiting expectantly up in the sleeping loft.  He didn’t like the camera light and noises apparently.

Not the first time he’s been in.  There was a little one around too at one point  -- I haven’t seen either of these creatures in many months.    He must have been talking to Fat Houdini about the delicious cat fud served in the house....
Fat Houdini

Because Fat Houdini has made several appearances lately too, after some days’ absence.  I had a real moment of ... well, let’s just call it concern -- when one of the cats actually went right up to him and sniffed his butt !!!  as cats do. Not that Fat Houdini noticed, with his nose completely buried in the cat fud bowl.     I thought for sure he’d let loose on her.  He thankfully wasn’t anywhere near the costume closet.  All the same, I stepped around a corner and out of the line of fire when I saw that little scene preparing to unfold.    

And unfortunately I didn’t have the camera in hand for that one either. 
Starting to get all the summer flowers 

I know he CAN spray; something stirred him up outside one night recently.  The scent keeps getting activated by the front gate when I water there.   

Okay Know Your Plants, what is it: 

Naked Lady Lily
Naked Lady Lily, they produce lush green foliage in the spring which dies back, then some months later up sprout these beautiful pink lilies.

Ha ha ha ha ha I just had to laugh like a nut!  Guess who came in as I was writing the above -- with all the lights on and me sitting right there.  Looking for love -- no, who am I kidding, it’s the cat fud.  At least he let me take his picture and didn’t growl this time.  Man they are gnarly looking.

The Boys romping thru
the field in the evening

And then there are the deer herds.  Yes, herds, 2 of them, a subset of which is the pair of bucks I’ve started calling My Boys, or The Boys.   Check it out, they come right up near my bedroom windows with no screens on them and like to hang around nibbling the mimosa trees.
The Boys

They just continued to munch away as I chatted with them and the camera made all its little electronic noises -- which by rights they should not have tolerated.  They seem to like the Fairy God Mother approach however.   The Boys obviously belong to that bigger pack of 7 males which I  have not seen all together recently.

And there is also a group of does with little ones and one lone buck (sometimes).  They all like to hang out by my front gate.  Why?  Because there are drinking bowls at 3 different heights that are always filled with clean water.  And they love to lounge under the mimosa trees which must taste pretty good as they are always eating them.  Fine by me, as long as they stay away from my prize peppers, brassicas and ornamentals just on the other side of a very sorry section of fence.

Okay Know Your Plants, what is it: 

 It’s a Plumeria, an ornamental native to Hawaii.  Yet another plant in a pot that must be brought indoors for the winter now that I don’t have a functional greenhouse.

So all the gardens under my care are coming along. 

Katya & Kristine
Katya's spoiled goats
and horse

Picked the 1st cucumber
from the Rec. Ctr. garden
I had to laugh the other day when a friend with whom I share 2 clients -- she keeps their houses impeccably clean and I help tend their gardens - remarked that gardens touched by my hand all seem to have a particular... look to them.  I just laughed and said yes they all tend to go out of control.  

This is one of our shared clients Katya, the photos were taken in her garden the other day.  She has a whole bunch of fat and sassy but adorable goats and 2 beautiful horses -- in addition to a shocking number of tomato plants taller than we are, crammed into a very small space that last year was little more than a dog patch.  We’ve worked miracles over there.  
And her cats love me of course.
It was a naughty goat that
looked very much like this one
of Katya's

 Speaking of naughty goats and gardens, one of the neighbor’s goats keeps getting in the little garden that I’m tending down at the community center where I work one afternoon a week, and has been eating all manner of things. They can’t help themselves they are just naughty creatures. She had to be forcefully hauled away on a leash and returned to her owners.

Okay Know Your Plants, what is it:
Jimson Weed, or Datura stramonium ...  a shaman’s plant that makes a striking ornamental.  One of the power plants that the Nagual don Juan Matus fed to Carlos Castaneda in the beginning, to get his assemblage point to shift.  Don’t get any ideas, I just like the plant.  It apparently likes me too, these were all volunteers. 

And my garden is beginning to really produce.  Whereas in much of the country summer is starting to wind down, here in the Sierras the season is long, and many gardens --  mine included -- are just really starting to wind up.  Gorgeous veggies this year.  Thanks to Katya’s goat poop compost I might add.

Oh, except for this sorry lot.  Guess who I caught in the brassica bed last week.  That’s right, 15 large turkeys. They  managed to defoliate the broccoli and kale that were so nicely coming along.   Fortunately I have a second patch, hidden under shade cloth that they simply can’t get access to.   Everything likes it when I run the sprinkler.  You know I’ve got the best organic salad bar around.

Defoliated!!  They are now starting to recover however
Okay Know Your Plants, what is it:
Pony Tails
Elephant head
Hopi Red Dye and the
gold one I don't recall


 Amaranth varieties, a favorite summer ornamental. 
”Big Daddy Boing Boings” my prior apprentice Megan and I used to call them.  I would always bring a big display of them to tie up to my market booth when I used to sell at the Sonora Farmer’s Market on Saturdays.

Stalking the wild lion in the dust
And finally that Maha.  The cat must have had his tongue as I have’t heard a peep out of him -- literally -- for many months.  Or maybe he’s had a sore throat, I don’t know, but just lately he’s been extremely vocal.  

About 10 days ago he did the cutest thing.  I mean the cutest thing.  It had me grinning from ear to ear and still does when I think about it.  I was in the house in the early evening, shortly after it got dark when right there out the window I was standing next to, maybe coming from about 25 feet away, he yowled the cutest little greeting at me.  It was like “Hi Krissy Lou”.    And when I called back out to him he went AArrrrrggghhhff again!  

That was the sweetest thing.  He didn’t have to do that.  There was no reason for doing that other than to say hi to me.  On purpose.  

And then the other morning very early, just barely getting light, I heard Arrrrggghhfff Arrrrggghhhfff Arrrgffff coming from the back 40, the direction my loft windows face -- and again I called out to him like usual, in that special voice and way I have that is just for communicating with wild felines -- and goodness!  He went into one of his yowling fits again.  Not as frantic as some earlier episodes, and much further away, but good grief what a fuss he was making.  I wondered what that was about, certainly not conducive to stalking deer.  In hindsight I pondered that he may have been telling me about his most recent successful hunting exploits.

Yeah, he’s been around a lot, nearly every night, and letting me know it.   Recent tracks down the driveway too.  

Oh, this is funny.  Here’s a little spot down by the funky trailer where I like to sometimes park my car because it’s shady.  It just happens to be where the lion likes to poop, and now the turkeys have gotten in on the act and made little resting spots in the pine needles.  Wild nature for miles around but here there are 15 turkeys, one cougar and a chick with a silly car all vying for the same spot.

So it’s the deer, the opossum, the skunk, the lion, the cats, the turkeys, the goat.....Did I forget anybody?  Oh yeah, Dooryard Frog...  All against a backdrop of lush and beautiful nature.  Kripes it should be, for what a slave I am to the watering of it.  Never mind, I love it.  I love to grow food, and have years of experience doing it on a scale way bigger than just a personal use garden.  

Black Krim tomatoes
First canning project of the season, I have awesome heirloom tomatoes this year, after making the mistake of not growing enough to can last year.  First time in about 18 years, and did I ever miss it.  No homemade tomato soup all winter.

I built a couple of new planter boxes for the front garden the other day, and had to laugh --  As I was doing so right there in the front yard, throwing wood pieces around, pounding nails and muttering to myself --  I looked just beyond the idiot fence to the mimosa trees by the car, and there were the deer getting all cozy for the afternoon.  They are completely brazen, I couldn’t have been more than 30 feet away and quite noisy too.  They certainly can make a ruckus when they want to, with all their stomping, chewing and breathing antics.  

One was outside my bedroom window the other night and startled the heck out of me with a big loud snort in the dark.  I tried to photograph them to see who was out there, not too successfully.  It seems to be the doe herd.
Hot Peppers in planter box
Never a dull moment.   I... guess I have very ill-defined boundaries where nature is concerned.  Gee I’d love to be able to write about other things besides these critters but they just grab the show every time.  Aren’t they funny?

Cabbage starts
Okay, Know Your Plants, what is it:  

It’s Tulsi, Holy Basil, a most delicious and healthful tea herb, prized in India and sacred to Krishna.

So it’s the anniversary of the original Harmonic Convergence, 25 years ago on Aug. 16-17, and what a ride it’s been since then.  I can honestly say I had no idea what seeking mastery upon this earth plane would entail.  Probably a good thing as I may not have wanted to continue.  “If I knew then what I know now....”  .  I certainly had no idea in the beginning that in 2012 I would be living out in the sticks with a bunch of wild animals as companions and dealing with a lot of absurd breakdown.  And I thought for sure it would have all collapsed in the culture by now.

This little window of 25 years between 1987-2012 is a most intensely compressed, highly charged and potent nanosecond of time, a great doorway of change as we shift to a new world age.  Are you feeling it yet?  Isn’t it awesome that the Great Awakening and Unraveling is in high gear?  I anticipate the significant event horizon of the Change any time now, where the lid gets completely blown off the cesspit of deception for good, in a way no one can deny.   Maybe at one point I’ll get to writing about some of my battles with the archons  -- anklebiters, that is.  Their time is UP on this Earth!  The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot!!   


Okay one last one, Know Your Plants, what is it:  

Peruvian Goldberry, a perennial from South America related to the tomatillo.  It produces very interesting and delicious little fruits that are like a natural vitamin-mineral supplement.  You can pick them at the end of the season and leave them in a dish on your table.  They keep like this for many months, as the husk is a most excellent preservative, and eat one or 2 a day.

Be well people and know your plants! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kristine! I am so grateful for your blog! You have a great balance between true comedy, education and spirituality! Very entertaining, insightful and simply FUN! Keep it coming - and thank you for living an example life!!!
    Dehon Raja
