Wednesday, April 02, 2014

In the Aftermath of the Maha


What a booger.

We are really really mad at the Maha over here. The big lunk.

Well my confidence in the safe return of all my cats soon eroded as it became clear that 2 definitely weren't coming back.

Soon thereafter, I found tan colored fur bits over by the barn entrance that clearly looked like Bitsy's, and a

few days later out gathering sticks in the woods I sadly came across a black pile of fur behind the trailer. How sad, that was Nanna Bella.

She's my Pretty Nanna Bella

So it was with a lot of remorse and sadness that I gathered it all up and brought it home to mourn over them, my dear little friends and children. It was my fault he got so stirred up. So I've been pretty sad in the last week.

Finally it was time for a burial ceremony yesterday. There is a shady spot in the yard where others are buried, Pye, Miss Grundy and now Bitsy and my Nanna. Laid to rest with much singing of little cat love songs.

"Yes they are, yes they are. They are my Lovey Loves.."
That's my little feline love song, only has one verse.

The big lunk. What was he doing that for. Here's the hard thing -- he comes around mostly because of me. And because small mammals are what he recognizes as food, he probably can't help himself. Especially if he's all worked up over something.

But here's the mysterious part. I've seen lion poop on the lane going down to the lower garden MANY times in the last 2 years. He obviously walks there.

However it seems that it's only sometimes he gets the cats all worked up. There have been maybe 5 or 6

times in many years that the cats have disappeared because he's spooked them. I've seen lion poop on the lane and in the back yard more times than that. So all those other times he's out there and none of my cats see him, and he doesn't see them??

Well they sure are mysterious creatures, these cats. All of them. My remaining dear ones are still quite subdued and on high alert. As well they should be.

He's been around again at night. I've been waiting for him. I've got something to say to him. I said it a little a few nights ago when I heard a single "Arrrrrrggggggggggh" out there. I immediately opened the window and gave him the short version of an extended tongue lashing he's eventually going to get.

Yes, he needs to hear about it. I intend to throw a big ol' hairy fit in his direction real soon, when I hear him out there yowling up a storm. That was just a little fit the other night. Not nearly enough.

What I have definitely learned in all my dealings with Nature is that you have to tell them what you want. Very clearly. Personally I think cats understand PERFECT human language, even mountain lions. They totally understand emotional outbursts accompanied by pictures in the mind.

Maha and I already have mind link, I need no convincing to know that if I start yelling and screaming and wailing, sending him images of my 2 cats and vibing him with "BAD KITTY" -- well, there is no way he could fail to get that message.

Now whether he behaves after that....

This happened once before some years ago. He ate Mitzy my greenhouse cat, and Uncle Pokey. That was terrible. Oh I threw a big fit in his direction. Several times as I recall, when I would hear him at night in the distance.

And after that, he's behaved himself up until recently.

I guess the hairbrush on the tree was just too much for him..... High price tag for that little piece of stupidity on my part.

So here's some mysteriousness: The camera has been set up nearly every night facing the same area where he is most likely to be active. I got one little snip of a clip of him, the tail and hind quarters. Caught him on camera again over near the same spot. Watch to the right in the first 3 seconds.

Maha in the Yard again, fro 3-31-14

What?!! What the heck! How come I'm getting him like that? Where could he be coming from? If he's coming from that direction, it can only mean that he jumped from a spot that is basically in the front yard flower bed and outside my doorstep about 10 paces. Which can also only mean one thing: That he came right on in the front gate.

Cue "He came in through the bathroom window...."

In my house that would not be an impossibility given my penchant for quaint screenless windows.

Well, I guess all that peeing around the barn and side gate where I saw him on the previous video clips paid off, he avoided coming in that area. Used the front door instead.

The good news is, all the cats heard him last night and didn't bolt into hiding, so that tells me something.

He's welcome to come around IF he behaves. They have to behave, these animals. That's the challenge of working with them, they have no idea about human boundaries.

Goes both ways most times. We have to educate each other.

That's the report. March going out like a lion in the yard.


Happy Spring!

Kristine Lavender Love

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