Monday, December 10, 2012

12-12-12 Blog -- The Multi-Dimensional Earth

Okay so you know how we as humans are multi-dimensional, right?  We have or can develop these ... enhanced capabilities .... knowings .... ways of being, perceiving and seeing....that are definitely not linear or limited to what can be registered by the 5 senses.   We are all evolving works of art along that path.

So it’s not much of a leap to understand that Gaia -- as a living planetary entity -- is also a multi-dimensional entity, is it?   Are we all on track with that?  If you haven’t seen much evidence of it lately..... don’t fret, I sense it won’t be long. 
Forest Trolls, image by Isilhir

Heh heh heh.   I simply can’t contain it any more.  Been wondering how that one was going to enter the conversation.  The Multi-Dimensional Earth.  Yes, that’s where all the griffins and unicorns and trolls (ha!) and Nature Spirits have gone to.  Became invisible to the bulk of humanity because humanity got the veil tied up so tight around their third eyes they couldn’t see or perceive that way any more.  And of course any kind of other-dimensional perceptual ability is actively drilled or drugged out of people from birth on, by the Civilization of Yuckdom.

It turns out, humanity is key for Gaia to be able to regain Her full multi-dimensional nature.   Her requirement has been that enough of us humans must find our place as the bridge between Earth and Sky in order to create a unified, multi-dimensional planetary consciousness grid.  We seem to have done that.  And once it is fully activated... Well we’ll see what we see.  It’s getting there.

I happen to already live in a portal/vortex of rarified energy along the lower Mt Shasta ley line in the Sierras of CA, enhanced by the fact that I’ve been actively working the energies here for nearly 20 years.  However, the land already was a natural portal as it’s bowl shaped, plus extra tellurically enhanced from all the gold and quartz in the ground.  There are also some pretty magnificent trees, including quite the embodied archetype of the Tree of Life.   

Most of the 85 acres of the property is woods, including a very large and magical manzanita grove where  I met the Maha.  I have a seasonal pond, loosely fenced pastures, various garden areas, a dilapidating barn, and lots of woods that connect in with the Jesus Maria creek way down in the canyon in back of my house.  You already know about all the wild animals coming through.  And some pretty bizarre neighbors as well.
Bernard the Opossum

Remember a few blogs back where I was describing how the vibe changes abruptly from the relative ‘civilization’ of my back yard to being very very wild, just on the other side of the fence?   Wild enough to meet a griffin if I dared to venture far enough down into the creek canyon?  Welcome to the Multi-Dimensional Earth.  I’m not sure what would be better, meeting a griffin or encountering all the poison oak that grows down there.

You think I’m joking?  I think they are real.  They certainly are real on the inner plane, they are part of Gaia’s multi-D population.  One of Her creatures, still in memory.  I haven’t met one yet, but I can already tell they would LOVE the Sierras.  The Sierras are simply crawling with mountain lions, and there are eagles as well.  And since these are creatures that I already adore and love, it isn’t a great leap for me to imagine such a composite creature showing up out there in my woods.  I already resonate to them.   The land back there already resonates to them.  This tells me there is an enhanced energetic field just awaiting a potential manifestation.  Waiting until I can withstand it, hopefully.

Right behind my backyard fence

I mean it’s way more likely one would show up here than in Mid-town Manhattan, right?   Of course, because here is where they would live.  Some place still wild wild wild, where people hardly ever go.  Even if it is within walking distance of my back yard.
Facebook Cloud Omen ("F")

What a goof-ball, where are you going with all this Kristine?, I hear you ask.  Well, what if I say to you, get ready for Gaia to switch on her enhanced multi-dimensional grid and maybe you’ll start seeing elves on your backyard swing set and ships buzzing by the roof of your house too!  You think I’m joking when I say there is a pack of Sylphs who just love to hang out above my house?  I’m not.  They are the Elemental Spirits of the Air.  They give me lots of whacky ideas.  Always remember that ‘whacky’ sometimes translates into downright brilliant, depending on how it’s perceived.
Violet Flame Deva?

I’m quite used to the idea of the multi-dimensional, switched-on Earth.  It can only get better.  Those of you who gaze longingly into the night sky (as I do), looking for signs, visitors and shooting stars, you who talk to the sun and the clouds --  these will be the happy people as Gaia continues to reveal Her true nature.   Nature is inherently multi-dimensional!  She’s been waiting for us to switch on our own lights, and when enough of us have done so, Hers switches on big time. 

Don’t believe me still?  I tell you, there are places on the Earth where the consciousness of the people holds open a multi-D field for Gaia to manifest Herself more fully.  For example, Iceland......   Iceland is crawling with Fay.  Fay?   Fairies.  Nature Spirits.  There are Heavy Duty Elementals hanging out in Iceland.   Dang what a cool place.  No I have never been there.  I would LOVE to go.  I can totally see-feel the density of the invisible population of happy Fay just through the pictures.   Oh and that blue lagoon, now that’s a spot of paradise.

Iceland's infamous blue lagoon

And why is this, you ask?  Because it’s a fortuitous combination of incredible land and awake, nature-connected people.  It’s a small isolated spot of group consciousness that as a group hasn’t forgotten its connection to nature.  Yet they’ve totally made it into the modern era.   They have modern internet, and they still take their elves very seriously.    Their most threatening volcano is the home of a destructive witch -- Katla, the fearsome, and rightly so.  Look at the land, it is outrageously beautiful.  Unspoiled, brilliant, what colors.  Those Icelanders have some things figured out.  

I love it that they expelled all the rotten bankers.  What a great place to live, I’d fit right in amongst all those odd blond folk, though I would pine for the hot sun and lion population of California.

Another example, and this is some place I’ve actually visited briefly, is the Navajo (Dineh) land in northern Arizona.  Again, it’s the combination of great swaths of wild nature, populated by an indigenous culture who hasn’t been severed yet from their ancestral home and multi-dimensional nature.   And dang if the evil Civilization hasn’t just tried like hell to eradicate these folks.


Okay I have to put in a mention here about some friends of mine.  How lucky I am to live in Calaveras County, CA, home of Clan Dyken.  They are an awesome family of long-time activist-musicians with a large multi-state following of friends and fans.  They connected many years ago with the Dineh folks out at Big Mountain, Arizona.  

Clan Dyken's Beauty Way page

From last year's Beauty Way Tour
Every year for the past 20 years these boys and their friends have organized a Thanksgiving Day caravan out to the Mountain to provide people there with some extra food, firewood, supplies, clothes for the winter.  They always do a big fundraising “Beauty Way" tour before making the long treacherous journey from Northern California to the Navajo Rez above Flagstaff, AZ.  Their support has helped these folks to survive not only the harsh winters out there, but the onslaught of Peabody Coal and forces of the Evil Empire trying to drive them off the land.   It’s a classic David and Goliath situation, but guess what, my sense is David is winning.

Check out the original soulful, and infinitely danceable music and antics of the awesome Clan Dyken, I am blessed to be their friend and sometimes stage artist.  Calaveras County totally rocks because of them.

Burning Man Funk by Clan Dyken

Okay well have I given you something to mull over and ponder about?  More to come on this topic.  I hope I have you lying awake at night wondering if and when I will tell you just HOW to create or enhance your own version of the experience.  Heh heh heh.  We’ll get to that.  All in good time, my pretty.

Hang on to your pointed hats, the Opening of the Ages cometh.
PS:  He TOOK IT!!!
Yes, yes I know it's almost
Christmas.  I always thought
it would be cool if there were
2 Hallweens, then I could wear
all my hats!!

                             12-12-12 Blessings!!!  

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