Sunday, January 06, 2013

1-6-2013 The ‘Mayan Apocalypse” is a Stalker Energy

Ra having a Warrior's Giggle at Nasa's expense

Of course ‘Mayan Apocalypse’ is a misnomer, I just use it on purpose to get attention.  You know what I’m talking about -- the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar on 12-21-12 that there was such a pre-flap about.

Did it mean something?  Well, what do YOU think?  It seems everyone must just ask themselves from within if they want to know the answer to that question.  

I -- like a lot of others, I’m sure -- had been processing it pretty heavily, and as the days go by, my understanding continues to expand, shift and change.  Lately I came to this:   The energy of ALL THAT intention,  build-up, prophecy, purpose, vision, work and prayer by so many awakened people is not nothing happening.  It’s manifesting as a stalker energy -- 

and I use "stalker" straight out of the vocabulary of the nagual don Juan Matus, the teacher of Carlos Castaneda.  What I'm experiencing is like an intelligent, hidden or well camouflaged energy waiting in the wings for an opportunity to manifest its purpose.  It’s all there, aware and alert to everything transpiring on the Earth plane, looking for any nook and cranny or even great gaping hole to come intelligently gushing or wafting through.  That’s my sense of it recently.  

I haven’t seen a great deal of evidence yet, but here are some examples of what I mean:  A few days ago I was having trouble with the chain saw, I had taken it apart to clean the main gear and didn’t get the chain tension right.  This was a major set-back as it continued to threaten more rain, and I must cut wood.  My crossing over into the New Time seems to be almost exclusively focused on generating enough dry firewood to keep warm and not injuring myself in the process.

He's finally getting ready to put in the cutest
little woodstove, right where he's standing
Anyway, as I sat there somewhat despairing and deciding to look at my owner’s manual, who should just show up but James my neighborhood contractor.  Not only was he showing up to deliver building materials and a much needed receipt for end of the year accounting purposes, but he helped me with the chainsaw too .   How timely of him.   It couldn’t have been better for me to keep going with firewood, and to get that receipt.   He’s staying at another location at present so I can’t just trot over to his house and interact with him.

Stalker energy.  I am rather expecting now to notice more just showing up.  Things just working out more.  Easier.  In a flow of more unexpected synchronicity as a way of on-going life.  But a different quality of synchronicity somehow than I’ve known it in the past.  As though an underlying life current is now more powerfully magnetized or pro-actively oriented towards synchronicity as its m.o.  I’m still gaining clarity on it.   You also must understand that I haven’t lived in a flow of too much synchronicity and the wind at my back.  I’m more used to an obstacle course.  So to have this much in-the-flow synchronicity is kind of unusual for me.

Here’s a funny one.  My Winter Solstice of 2012 was spent getting firewood and nursing a tweaked hip that happened while hauling oak lengths up the bank the night before.  So instead of having ceremony on the morning of the Winter Solstice 2012 like any sensible priestess -- something I’ve been doing for many years and who would miss the Winter Solstice 2012? 

 I missed the Winter Solstice 2012.  Why?  Because I had a firewood/injury crisis.  I tweaked my hip just enough to need a few days’ rest.  Unfortunately it was continuing to rain and Solstice morning another wild windy storm was blowing in.  I had at most 3 days of drying wood inside, otherwise it’s all lying out there in the forest soaking wet --so if it’s going to be of any use it must come into the house and around the stove, which means someone has to get out there, find it, cut it into haulable pieces and fetch it home in a timely manner for it to dry out and be burnable.  
Oh I LOVE my chainsaw

So I, practical Capricorn, decided to use what energy I could muster with a tweaked hip on Winter Solstice Morning 2012 and decided to forego ceremony outside in favor of cutting more firewood.

Pan's Realm
It was great actually.  I absolutely love being out in the forest, and sometimes as a storm whips in and the wind blows through the trees -- well it’s just a whole bunch of wild Pan energy I really like interacting with -- most of the time.  Thankfully this time it turned out to be a lot of fun, partly because it was the morning of the Winter Solstice 2012.

And by the time I was done with that it was raining and I needed to take a long hot eucalyptus bath and lie down....
Forest Scene:  Manzanita has the
rust colored bark

But what was funny that morning -- I got out there and decided there was no way to be heroic about it, I must go for as many easily scavagable pieces as I could find.  And just that moment, I looked down through the leaves and saw right there at my feet a few pieces of  wood piled up.  These were old pieces of manzanita stumps that someone long ago had cut down.  I hadn’t paid any attention to them on previous occasions, even though I could tell long ago someone must have cut a bunch of it down and left bits lying about.  

Manzanita is a hard-wood chaparral plant growing at my elevation that is super hardy and takes a long time to break down.  It can have a long deep tap root.  So as I looked around I began to notice more, here and there.  Pretty soon I had a big pile of them -- they were a little rotted but still quite hard and burnable.  Not spongy at all, and all cut up the right lengths too.  I must have found at least a wheelbarrow full.

Firewood.  Well it does grow on trees and branches of it drop out of the sky.  And apparently sometimes it also comes up right out of the ground!  So between that and what else I could easily find that didn’t require too much hauling up hills, I managed to create 2 wheelbarrowsful that day.

That wood appeared right at my feet, the moment I got the really intelligent idea not to knock myself out.  Stalker energy....

One never knows who might show up now...
And then later that day -- on the subject of people and things showing up -- who else should show up but 2 of my co-workers at the Community Center.  I had just gotten out of the bath and there they were at my door. 

Are you okay?  You didn’t come down for email  yesterday or today, and we were worried about you because we can’t call you.” and I’m going “Huh??  Worried about me??   After not even 2 days?  Are you kidding?”   

That was very sweet of them.  They obviously telepathically picked up that something wasn’t right even though I  wasn’t at all in distress or despair.  People don’t usually just drop in and check up on me, though it’s nice to know someone would if I didn’t show up somewhere when I said I was going to.  

I maybe wasn’t going to publish this, but then came across a recent writing by Stuart Wilde that struck me as being onto something quite similar.  He has a wonderful site and insight by the way if you’ve never read anything of his, and he’s downright hilarious as well as quite terrifying in spots.  I can tell who some of his influences have been...   I read his site every day since discovering it.  A most admirable warrior and seer he is.  I get a great kick out of him.

“There is a superior force here now, I’ll be excited to tell you about it, but I have to wait until it shows me what it can do. It’s very secret and very clever in the way it operates, it boggles my mind watching it. They create three or four fake plays for every real one, so working it out can be tricky.

I trust in the power of goodness. Be brave, help is on the way. Stuart Wilde”  

from Hurting America will Go Horribly Wrong

Blessings for a Superior 2013!

PS:  I DID end up having a ceremony to close out duality, 2012, and all the grand cycles ending -- on Dec. 31, 2012.  Purrrrfect, and the cats helped!


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